Our Precision Cleaning and Metal Treatment services enhance manufacturing, enabling manufacturers to achieve exceptional part cleanliness that meets the ever-increasing requirements without the need to invest in costly cleaning equipment and laboratory facilities. From the outset, it has been Dale Roberts’ philosophy that DNR, Inc. serves as an extension of our customers’ operations. This means delivering exceptional quality with quick turnaround times, ensuring we are a reliable partner in their success, all while allowing our customers to focus on their core competencies. Throughout the years, we have consistently demonstrated our ability to deliver on this commitment.


Our Precision Cleaning and Metal Treatment services enhance manufacturing, enabling manufacturers to achieve exceptional part cleanliness that meets the ever-increasing requirements without the need to invest in costly cleaning equipment and laboratory facilities. From the outset, it has been Dale Roberts’ philosophy that DNR, Inc. serves as an extension of our customers’ operations. 

Sq ft. factory space
Billion part cleaned
0 +
Years of expertise in Parts Cleaning
0 +


Even when
lead-times are short

  • Able to support same day and 24 hours turnaround.
  • Professional class support from a family business.
  • Average employee retention is greater than 8 years.
  • Provides OEM support for part cleanliness and other services.